从价: (拉丁语为“根据价值”)是一种税收,其数额是基于财产的价值.
农地或用途价值: 用于生产出售的土地, 以合理的商业数量, 植物和动物, 或者他们的产品, 对人类和农业用地有用的,与州或联邦机构签订合同,限制其用于农业生产
评估值: 分配给财产的美元价值,以衡量适用的税收. Residential is 10% of fair market value; 商业 is 15% of market value.
公平市价: 由路易斯安那州修订法规47:2321定义如下:
"Fair Market Value is the price for property which would be agreed upon between a willing and informed seller under usual and ordinary circumstances; it shall be the highest price estimated in terms of money which property will bring if exposed for sale on the open market with reasonable time allowed to find a purchaser who is buying with knowledge of all the uses and purposes to which the property is best adapted and for which it can be legally used."
宅地豁免: 合资格业主可获豁免物业税,其物业评估值不超过7,500元. (资质详见房地产板块)
改进: 增加土地价值或增加土地用途的任何建筑物或建筑物. (在房地产领域,“改善”一词指的是所有结构,不一定是翻新。)
质量评价: 用标准方法对给定日期的大量相似属性进行估价的过程.
厘计税率: 简单来说,大多数人会把这个税率称为从价税的税率. 军税是每个税收机构为特定目的而征收的税. 它们可以通过人民投票来实施,并在立法或宪法上得到允许.
的 厘计税率率 每1,000元评估价值的款额是否用于计算物业税. 的 厘计税率率 是用物业的应税价值乘以应缴的物业税. 例如:应税价值10,000 x .06751米尔斯= 675美元.应付税款的10%.
重新评估: 所有财产价值被分析并纳入路易斯安那州税务委员会设定的特定日期的公平市场价值范围的过程. 根据州法律,所有不动产必须至少每四年进行一次.
According to LA RS 47:2331 assessments of real property shall be based on a reassessment of all such real property; and such real property shall be reappraised at least every four years thereafter and all assessments of personal property shall be based on a reassessment of all such personal property, 此后每年对该个人财产进行重新估价.
税收委员会: 一个州管理机构,其职责包括但不限于:监督所有的评估员和执行财产税法律法规.
身体:征税 从价税是指征收和征收从价税的各个部门, (i.e. 学校董事会,治安官,评估员,教区政府等.)